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Tuesday, September 21, 201000:00(View: 5916)

Gia trì. Adhisthàna (S). Determination, resolution. Assist and protect.

Gia trì lực. Adhisthànabala (S). Magical power of determination. Buddha confers his strength on all (who seek it) and upholds them.

Già da. Gàya (S). Elephant.

Già đà. Gàthà (S). Strophe.

Già lam. Asrama, àsram (S). Monastery, hermitage.

Giác. Bodhi (S,P) from avabhoda knowing, understanding. Enlightenment, illumination. Giác is to awake, apprehend, perceive, realize.

Giác chi. The various branches or modes of enlightenment. Thất giác chi seven factors of enlightenment.

Giác đạo. The way of enlightenment.

Giác giả. An enlightened one, especially a Buddha, enlightening self and others tự giác giác tha.

Giác hải. The fathomless ocean of enlightenment, or Buddha-wisdom.

Giác hoa. The flower of enlightenment.

Giác hạnh. The procedure, or discipline, of the attainment of enlightenment for self and others,

Giác kiếm. Sharpness of enlightenment.

Giác liễu. Completely and clearly enlightened; clearly to apprehend.

Giác lộ. The way to enlightenment.

Giác ngạn. The shore, bank of enlightenment, which Buddha has reached after crossing the sea of illusion.

Giác ngộ. To awake, become enlightened, comprehend spiritual reality. Được giác ngộ: to be awaken, illumined, enlightened.

Giác ngộ trí. Enlightened wisdom; omniscience.

Giác nhật. Timelessness, eternity, changelessness, the bodhi day which has no change.

Giác phần. Bodhyanga (S) Xem Thất bồ đề phần, giác chi.

Giác quán. Awareness and pondering, acts of intellectuation.

Giác sơn. The mountain of enlightenment.

Giác tâm. The mind of enlightenment, the illuminated mind, the original nature of human. Thought of wisdom.

Giác tính. The enlightened mind free from all illusion. Enlightenment ability.

Giác tha. To awake others; to enlighten others.

Giác thành. The walled city of enlightenment, into which illusion cannot enter. Bodh Gayà where the Buddha attained the enlightenment.

Giác vị. The stage of perfect enlightenment.

Giác vương. The king of enlightenment, the enlightened king.

Giải. To unloose, let go, release, untie, disentangle; explain, expound.

Giải ách. To loose s.o. from his bonds; to relieve distress.

Giải cứu. To deliver, rescue, save.

Giải đãi. Kausidya (S). Indolence.

Giải hạ. The dismissing of the summer retreat.

Giải hạnh. Interpretation and conduct; to understand and do.

Giải hận. To put an end to hatred.

Giải hoặc. To dispel doubts.

Giải kết. To untie, undo, loose (bonds etc.)

Giải không. To apprehend, or interpret the immateriality of all things.

Giải nạn. To save s.o. đrom a danger.

Giải nhất thiết chúng sinh ngôn ngữ. Sarva-ruta-kausalya (S). Supernatural power of interpreting all the languages of all beings.

Giải oan. To exculpate, exonerate s.o. from a charge, to clear s.o. of a crime.

Giải thâm mật (kinh). Sandhi-nirmocana-sùtra (S). Scripture Unlocking the Mysteries.

Giải thoát. Mukti (S). Deliverance, liberation, setting free, emancipation.

Giải thoát vị. The flavour of release, i.e. nirvàna.

Giải thoát giới. The commandments accepted on leaving the world and becoming a disciple or a monk/nun.

Giải thoát môn. The door of release, gate of deliverance.

Giải thoát tri kiến. The knowledge and experience of nirvàna.

Giải thoát y. The garment of liberation, the robe.

Giải tri kiến. A Buddha's understanding of release, or nirvàna, the fifth of ngũ phần pháp thân.

Giáng. To descend, to come down, go down (from heaven).

Giáng hạ. Ti descend from heaven.

Giáng họa. To impose a misfortune on s.o.

Giáng long phục hổ. To subdue nàgas and subjugate tigers.

Giáng phúc. To bestow a favour on s.o., to bless s.o.

Giáng sinh. To descend into the world.

Giáng thế. To descend to earth from above, as recorded of the Buddha.

Giảng. To talk, explain, preach, discourse.

Giảng diễn. Xem giảng thuyết.

Giảng đạo. Explanation of the Doctrine.

Giảng đề. Subject-matter (of lecture, speech)

Giảng đường. The preaching hall, lecture hall; amphitheatre, auditorium.

Giảng kinh. To elucidate holy scriptures; to comment (up) on classics.

Giảng nghĩa. To explain the sense, the meaning.

Giảng sư. Lecturer

Giảng thuyết. To expound, discourse, preach; to try to convince.

Giảng tông. The preaching sects i.e. all except Thiền tông.

Giáo. Pravacana (S). To teach, instruct, inculcate; Sàsana (S). Teaching, precept, doctrine. Agama (S). Sect, shool, church.

Giáo chủ. The founder of a religion, e.g. the Buddha.

Giáo đạo. To teach a way, or religion; a taught way contrasted with an intuitional way; the way of teaching.

Giáo điển. The sacred books of a religion, or sect.

Giáo hạnh. Instruction and conduct; teaching and practice; also the progress of the teaching, or doctrine.

Giáo hạnh chứng. Teaching, practice and its realization, its evidential results.

Giáo hóa. To transform by instruction; teach and convert; to cause another to give alms.

Giáo hội. An assembly for instruction; a congregation; a church.

Giáo hội Phật giáo Việt Nam Thống nhất. The Unified Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation.

Giáo hội Phật giáo Việt Nam trên Thế giới. World Vietnamese Buddhist Order.

Giáo lệnh. To instruct, command; the commands of a sect or school; instructions, directions.

Giáo lý. The fundamental principles of a religion; its doctrines, or dogmas, e.g. the four noble truths, the eightfold noble path, the twelve nidànas.

Giáo lý hạnh quả. The fruits or results arising from the practice of a religion.

Giáo môn. A religion, a sect, different religious teachings.

Giáo nghĩa. The meaning of a teaching, or doctrine.

Giáo ngoại. Outside the sect, or school, or church; also not undergoing normal instruction.

Giáo ngoại biệt truyền. Not rely on texts, or writings but on personal communication of its tenets, either oral or otherwise.

Giáo ngữ. The words ofBuddhism; words of instruction.

Giáo nội. Within instruction; in the sect or church;

Giáo quán. Teaching and meditation, the Buddha's doctrine and mediatation on it.

Giáo thể. The body, or corpus of doctrine.

Giáo thụ, thọ. To instruct, to give instruction.

Giáo thụ a xà lê. An àcàrya, or instructor, preceptor.

Giáo tướng. The particular teaching of a sect.

Giáo võng. The teaching (of Buddha) viewed as a net to catch and save mortals.


Giới. Dhàtu (S). A boundery, limit, region; that which is contained or limited, e.g. the nature of a thing; provenance; a species, class, variety.

Giới ngoại. The pure realms, or illimitable "spiritual" regions of the Buddhas outside the three limitations of desire, form and formlessness.

Giới nội. Within the region, limited, within the confines of the tam giới.

Giới phần. Any region or division, especially the region of desire, form and formlessness.

Giới thú. The three regions (desire, form and formlessness) and the six paths.

Giới. Sila (S). Precept, command, prohibition, discipline, rule; morality.

Giới ba la mật. Sila-pàramità (S). The rules of the perfect morality of bodhisattvas.

Giới bản. Pràtimoksa (S), Pàtimokkhà (P). Disciplinary Code, Code of monk's rules.

Giới cấm. Prohibitions arising out of the fundamental rules; by-laws.

Giới cấm thủ kiến. Silavrataparàmarsa (S). Clinging to mere rules and rituals.

Giới cấu. The source of defiling the commandments.

Giới đàn. Pulpit, esplanade, altar at which the commandments are received by the novice. Phương đẳng giới đàn is the Mahàyàna altar.

Giới điệp. Certificate of ordination of a monk.

Giới, Định, Tuệ. Discipline, meditation, wisdom; discipline wards off bodily evil, meditation calms mental disturbance, wisdom gets rid of delusion and prove truth.

Giới đức. The power of the discipline.

Giới hạnh. Strict morality.

Giới học. The study of the rules, or discipline; moral formation.

Giới hương. The perfume of the commandments, or rules.

Giới khí. A utensil fit to receive the rules, i.e one who is not debarred from entering the Order, as is an eunuch, slave, minor, etc.

Giới lạp. The number of years a monk has been ordained.

Giới luật. Sila and vinaya, the rules.

Giới luật tạng. Vinaya Pitaka (S). The collection of rules.

Giới lực. The power derived from the observation of the commandments.

Giới phẩm. The different groupings, or subjects of the commandments, or discipline; i.e. the 5, 10, 250 etc.

Giới sư. The teacher of the discipline, or of the commandments (to the novice)

Giới sư ngũ đức. The five virtues of the teacher of discipline: obedience to the rules, twenty years as monk, ability to explain the vinaya, meditation, ability to explain the abhidharma.

Giới thể. The embodiment of the commandments in the heart of the recipient; also the basis, or body, of the commandments.

Giới thiện. The good root of keeping the commandments.

Giới tử. One who receives the commandments orrules.

Giới tướng. The commandments, or rules in their various forms.
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