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The Chant of Compassion

06 Tháng Mười Hai 201000:00(Xem: 104531)
The Chant of Compassion

May I be free from enmity and danger,

May I be free from mental suffering,

May I be free from physical suffering,

May I take care of myself happily.

May my parents, teachers, relatives and friends,

fellow Dhamma farers…

May they be free from enmity and danger,

May they be free from mental suffering,

May they be free from physical suffering,

May they take care of themselves happily.

May all yogi (meditators) in this compound,

be free from enmity and danger,

be free from mental suffering,

be free from physical suffering,

May they take care of themselves happily.

May all monks in this compound,

novice monks, laymen and laywomen disciples…

May they be free from enmity and danger,

May they be free from mental suffering,

May they be free from physical suffering,

May they take care of themselves happily.

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