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Tuesday, September 21, 201000:00(View: 6787)

Pali ngữ. Pàlibhàsà, Pàli (S,P). Pali language.

Pha lê. Crystal

Phá. To break, disrupt, destroy, cause schism; solve, disprove, refute, negate.

Phá chấp. To refute (false) tenets.

Phá chính. That which denies the truth, e.g. heresy.

Phá chính mệnh. An incorrect or wrong form of livelihood.

Phá địa ngục. To break open the gates of hell, by chants and incantations, fo the release of a departed spirit.

Phá giới. To break a commandment; (of monk) to give up the frock.

Phá hạ. To neglect the summer retreat.

Phá hòa hợp tăng. Sanghabheda (S). To disrupt the harmony of the community of monks, to cause schism, e.g. by heretical opinions.

Phá hoại. To destroy. Phá hoại thiện Destroyer of good, a name for Màra.

Phá hữu. To refute the belief in the reality of things; to break the power of transmigration as does the Buddha.

Phá lập. Refuting and establishing; by refuting to prove, or to establish, refuting the particular to prove the universal, and vice versa.

Phá ma. To overcome the màra, exorcise demons.

Phá môn. To withdraw from a school; to renegade from one's school; leave a sect.

Phá ngu. To dispel the darkness of ignorance.

Phá ngục. To break, smash, open a prison.

Phá nhan vi tiếu. To break into a smile, the mark of Kàsyapa's enlightenment, when Buddha announced on Vulture Peak that he had a teaching which was propagated from mind to mind, a speech taken as authoritative by the Intuitional School.

Phá pháp. To break the (Buddha-) law, e.g. by adoption of heresy.

Phá tăng. To disrupt a monk's meditation, or preaching.

Phá tà hiển chính. To break, or disprove the false and make manifest the right.

Phá trai. To break the monastic rule of the regulation food.

Phá tướng tông. The sects established by Vĩnh Minh, Tịnh Ảnh, Tuệ Viễn which held the unreality of all things.

Phả la đọa. Bharadvâja (S). Xem lợi căn.

Phàm. Prthagjana (S) Earthly, wordly; common, vulgar, profane, ordinary. Người phàm: mortal being; uninitiated person. Người phàm mắt tục: the vulgar narrow mindedness. Ăn phàm nói tục: to be vulgar of manner and speech

Phàm chủng: Common seed, ordinary people.

Phàm ngu. Common, ignorant, or unconverted men.

Phàm nhân. Prthagjana (S). Common wordling, ordinary man.

Phàm phu. Common people. Everyman, the wordly man, the sinner.

Phàm phước. The ordinary blessedness of devas and men.

Phàm sư. Ordinary, or wordly teachers, unenlightened by Buddhist truth.

Phàm tánh.The common underlying nature of all men.

Phàm tăng. The ordinary practising monk as contrasted with the holy monk.

Phàm Thánh. Sinners and saints. Phàm thánh nhất như, phàm thánh bất nhị: sinners and saints are of the same fundamental nature. Phàm thánh đồng cư độ: this world where sinners and saints dwell together.

Phàm thân. The common mortal body, the ordinary individual.

Phàm thức. Ordinary knowledge, wordly knowledge.

Phạm. To offend against, to break (as a law)

Phạm giới. To offend against or break the moral or ceremonial laws.

Phạm tội. To commit or perpetrate a crime.

Phạm thượng. To offend against one's superior; to wound a superior's feelings

Phạm trọng. To break the weightier laws.

Phạm (Phạn). Brahman (S). Sacred learning, the religious life, the Supreme Being regarded as impersonal, the Absolute, the priestly or sacerdotal class. Noble, pure.

Phạm âm. Bràhmaghosa (S) Brahma voice, clear, melodious, pure, deep, far-reaching, one of the thirty two marks of Buddha.

Phạm bản. Sùtras in the Indian language.

Phạm chí. Bramàcàrin (S). Studying sacred learning; practising continence or chastety. A Buddhist ascetic with his will set on purity.

Phạm chúng. Monks, so called because of their religious practices.

Phạm chúng thiên. Brahma-pàrisajja (S). Belonging to the retinue of Brahmà; the first Brahmaloka; the first region of the first dhyàna heaven of form.

Phạm cung. The realm of Brahmà; the first dhyàna heaven of the realm of form.

Phạm đàn. Brahmadanda (S). Xem mặc tâm.

Phạm điển. Buddhist sùtras, or books. Veda texts.

Phạm đức. The power, or bliss of Brahmà.

Phạm ma. Brahmà, brahman (S). Phạm ma ni Brahma-mani, pure pearl, or the magic pearl of Brahmà.

Phạm Ma. Brahmà and Màra, the former lord of the realm of form, the latter of desire or passion.

Phạm hạnh. Brahmacarya (S) Pure living, noble action. Ascetic. religious life.

Phạm hoàng. The Indian Emperor, Buddha.

Phạm học. The study of Buddhism; the study of Brahmanism.

Phạm luân. The brahma-wheel, the wheel of the law, or pure preaching of the Buddha

Phạm (Phạn) ngữ. Brahma language, Sanskrit, the Sanskrit alphabet; "the language of India"; supposed to come from Brahmà.

Phạm nữ. A noble woman, a woman of high character.

Phạm phục. The ksàya or monk's robe; the garment of celibacy.

Phạm sát. Brahmaksetra (S). A name for Buddhist monastery, i.e. a place of purity.

Phạm tăng. A monk from India. Also a monk who maintains his purity.

Phạm tâm. The noble or pure mind.

Phạm thanh. The voice of Buddha.

Phạm thân. The pure spiritual body, or dharmakàya of the Buddha; also pháp thân.

Phạm thất. A dwelling where celibate discipline is pracised, a monastery, temple.

Phạm (ma) thiên. Brahma-deva (S) The Brahmà, the Creator, the ruler of this world.

Phạm thiên vương. Brahmà (S). Xem Phạm thiên.

Phạm thế giới. The Brahmaloka or the realm of form.

Phạm thừa. The Brahmayàna, i.e. the noblest of the vehicles, that of the Bodhisattva.

Phạm tự. Samskrtan (S). Brahma letters; sanskrit. Also Phạm thư the clasical Aryan language of India, systematized by scholars, in contradiction to Pràkit, representing the language as ordinarily spoken.

Phạm tướng. Brahmadhvaja (S). One of the sons of Mahàbhijnà, his Buddha domain is south-west of our universe.

Phạm uyển. A monastery or any place where celibate discipline is practised.

Phạm võng. Brahmajàla. The net of Brahmà.

Phạm Võng Kinh. Brahmajàla-sùtra (S) The infinitude of worlds being as the eyes or holes in Indriya's net, which is all-embracing, like the Buddha's teaching. Phạm Võng giới phẩm, a name for the above or the next Phạm Võng giới bản the latter part of the above sùtra.

Phạm vũ. A sacred house, i.e a Buddhist pagoda, monastery or templr.

Phạm vương. The father of all living beings; the first person of the Brahminical Trimùrti, Brahmà, Vishnu and Siva, recognized by Buddhism as devas but as inferior to a Buddha, or enlightened man.

Phan. Banner

Phan duyên. Alambana (S). Foundation, support.

Phạn ngữ. Sanskrit language

Pháp. Dharma (S) - Dhamma (P). Law, truth, religion, thing, anything Buddhist.

Pháp ái. Dharma-love, religious love.

Pháp âm. Dharmaghosa (S). Dharma-voice; the sound of Truth, or of preaching.

Pháp ân. Buddha-grace.

Pháp ấn. Mùdrâ (S). The seal of Buddha-truth.

Pháp bảo. Dharma-ratna (S). (1) Dharma-treasure; (2) The personal articles of a monk or nun - robe, almsbowl etc.

Pháp bảo đàn kinh. The sùtra of the Platform, of the Sixth Patriarch.

Pháp bản. Bhùtatathatà (S). The root or essence of all things.

Pháp bình đẳng. Dharmasamatà (S). The sameness ođ truth as taught by all Buddhas.

Pháp chấp. Holding to things as realities.

Pháp châu. The barque of Buddha-truth.

Pháp chỉ. The Buddha's commandement.

Pháp Chính. Xem Đàm vô đức.

Pháp chủ. Samgharàja (S). Dharma-lord, Buddha. Chief of the Buddhist clergy in a country.

Pháp chúng. The Buddhist monkhood; an assembly of monks or nuns.

Pháp cổ. The drum of the Law.

Pháp công. Signior of the Law, a courtesy title of any monk.

Pháp cú kinh. Dharmapada (S), Dhammapada (P). Stanzas of the Dharma.

Pháp cú kinh luận. Dharmapadarthakathà (S). The commentary of Dharmapada.

Pháp cú thí dụ kinh. Dharmapadàvadana-sùtra (S).

Pháp cúng dường. Dharmapùjà. Serving the Dharma. Offerings of or to the Dharma.

Pháp Cứu tôn giả. Dharmatata (S). Name. Also Đạt ma đa la.

Pháp danh. Buddhist name.

Pháp diệt. The extinction of the Law. or Buddhism.

Pháp duyên. Dharma-cause.

Pháp duyệt. Joy from hearing and meditating on the Law.

Pháp dược. The medicine of the Law.

Pháp đà la ni. Dharma-dhàrani (S). One of the four kinds of dharani.

Pháp đàn. The pulpit, the ceremony platform.

Pháp đăng. The lamp of dharma.

Pháp đế. Dharma emperor, i.e. the Buddha.

Pháp điện. The temple, or hall, of the Law.

Pháp điện. The lightning of the Truth.

Pháp điển. The scriptures of Buddhism.

Pháp định. One of the twelve names for the Dharma-nature, implying that it is the basis of all phenomena. Inherent dharma.

Pháp đồ. Disciple.

Pháp độ. Rules, or disciplines and methods.

Pháp đồng xá. A communal religious abode, i.e. a monastery or convent where religion and food are provided for spiritual and temporal needs.

Pháp giới. Dharmadhàtu (S). Dharma-element,-factor, or -realm.

Pháp giới duy tâm. The universe is mind only.

Pháp giới duyên khởi. The Dharmadhàtu as the environment cause of all phenomena.

Pháp giới quán. Meditation on the Dharmadhàtu.

Pháp giới tánh. Nature of the Dharmadhàtu.

Pháp giới thật tướng. Dharmadhàtu-reality

Pháp giới vô biên trí. The unlimited knowledge of a Buddha in regard to all beings and things in his realm.

Pháp giới vô ngại trí. The unimpedes knowledge of a Buddha in regard to all beings and things in his realm.

Pháp giáo. The religion of Buddha.

Pháp hạ. Dharma-summers, the years or age of a monk.

Pháp hải. Dharma-sea, the all embracing law of the Buddha.

Pháp hỉ. Dharmànanda (S). Joy in the Law, the joy of learning or tasting dharma.

Pháp hiệu. The name received by a monk on ordination; also his/her posthumous title.

Pháp Hoa (Kinh). Saddharma-pundarika-sutra (S), Hokkyô (J). Lotus sutr

Pháp Hoa tam muội. Saddharma-pundarika-samàdhi (S).The samàdhi which sees into the three dogmas of unreality không, dependent realiity giả and transcendence trung.

Pháp Hoa tông. Lotus sect.

Pháp hóa. Transformation by Buddha-truth; teaching in or by it. Buddhist education.

Pháp hội. An assembly for worship or preaching.

Pháp hữu. The false view that things or the elements of which they are made of are real.

Pháp kiếm. The sword of Buddha-truth, able to cut off the functioning of illusion.

Pháp kiến. Maintaining one tenet and and considering others wrong; narrow-minded, bigoted.

Pháp kiều. The bridge of Buddha-truth.

Pháp kính. The Dharma-mirror.

Pháp khí. Implements used in worship; a vessel of the Law.

Pháp không. Dharmasùnyatà (S). The emptiness or unreality of things.

Pháp lạc. Religious joy.

Pháp lạp. Vassagga (P). The end of the monk's year after the summer retreat; a Buddhist year; the number of summer or discipline years. Seniority of a monk. Also giới lạp.

Pháp linh. Dharma-bell; the pleasing sound of intoning the sùtras.

Pháp loa. Dharmasankhasabda (S). Conch of the Law.

Pháp lôi. The thunder of dharma.

Pháp lợi. The blessings, or benefits, of Buddhism.

Pháp luân. Dharmacakra (S), the Wheel of the Law. Chuyển pháp luân: to set in motion the Wheel of the Law.

Pháp luân vương. King of the Wheel of the law, Buddha.

Pháp luật. Laws or rules (of the Order)

Pháp lữ. A companion of the Dharma, a disciple.

Pháp lực. Dharmabala (S). The power of Buddha-truth to do away with calamity and subdue evil.

Pháp mệnh. The wisdom-life of the Dharmakàya (Pháp thân tuệ mệnh). The age or lifetime of amonk.

Pháp minh. Dharmaprabhàsa (S). Brightness of the Law.

Pháp Minh. Dharmayasas (S). Name. Also Đàm ma da xá.

Pháp môn. Dharmaparyàya (S) Gates of the Dharma, courses of the Law, doctrine, method, sect.

Pháp ngã. A thing per se. The false notion of anything being a thing in itself, individual, independent.

Pháp ngữ. Dharma-words, religious discourses.

Pháp nha. The sprout or bud of Buddhism.

Pháp nhãn. Dharma-caksu (S). Dharma-eye able to penetrate all things.

Pháp nhãn tịnh. Dharmacaksu-visuddha (S). Purity of the eye of Dharma.

Pháp nhẫn. Patience attained through dharma, to the overcoming ođ illusion; also ability to bear patiently external hardships.

Pháp nhập. Dharma-Ayatna (S) The sense-data of direct mental perception.

Pháp nhũ. The milk of the dharma which nourishes the spiritual nature.

Pháp nhĩ, pháp nhiên. According to rule, naturally.

Pháp ni. A nun.

Pháp niệm xứ. The position of insight into the truth that nothing has reality in itself.

Pháp phi pháp. Dharmàdharma (S). Real and unreal; thing and nothing; being and non being etc.

Pháp phục. Dharma garment, the robe.

Pháp phược. Xem pháp chấp.

Pháp quang định. Samàdhi of the light of Truth, that of the bodhisattva in the first stage.

Pháp số. The categories of Buddhism such as three realms, five skandhas, four noble truths, six spheres, etc.

Pháp sơn. Buddha-truth mountain.

Pháp sư. Dharmabhànaka (S). A Buddhist teacher, master of the Law; five kinds are given: a custodian (of the sùtras), reader, intoner, expounder and copier.

Pháp sự. Religious affairs, eg assemblies and services; discipline and ritual.

Pháp tài. The riches of the Law, or the Law as wealth.

Pháp tạng. Dharma-store, the treasury of Buddha's teaching, Buddhist library.

Pháp Tạng. Dharmàkara (S). Name. Also Đàm ma ca.

Pháp Tạng bộ. Dharmaguptaka (S). Name of a Buddhist sect. Also Đàm vô đức bộ.

Pháp tính. Dharmatà (S). Dharma-nature.

Pháp tính hải. The ocean of dharma-nature.

Pháp tính tông. Dharma-nature sect.

Pháp tính thân. Dharmakaya (S)

Pháp tứ y. The four trusts of dharma: trust in the Law not in men; trust in sùtras containing ultimate truth; trust in truth not in words; trust in wisdom growing out of eternal truth and not in illusory knowledge.

Pháp tử. Child of the Dharma.

Pháp tự tại. A bodhisattva's complete dialectical freedom and power, so that he can expound all things unimpeded.

Pháp tướng. The aspects or characteristics of things - all things are of nomad nature but differ in form.

Pháp tướng tông. Dharma-laksana sect (S), Hossô-shu (J), Fa-hsiang (C)

Pháp thành. Dharma as a citadel against the false; the secure nirvana abode; the sùtras as the guardians ođ truth.

Pháp thành tựu. Siddhi (S). Ceremony successful.

Pháp thân. Dharmakaya (S), Hosshimbutsu (J). Embodiment of Dharma, body of the Law, Cosmic body of the Buddha; the ultimate reality, the essence of all things.

Pháp thể. Embodiment of the Law, or of all things.

Pháp thí. Dharma-desanà (S). The almsgiving of the Dharma-truth.

Pháp thụ. The dharma-tree which bears nirvàna-fruit.

Pháp thủy. Buddha-truth likened to water able to wash away the stain of illusion.

Pháp thuyền. The barque of Buddha-truth.

Pháp thực. Dharmàhàra (S). Truth as food. The food of the Truth.

Pháp thượng bộ. Dharmottariya (S). Name oF sect.

Pháp tỉ lượng. Inferring one thing from another, as from birth deducing death.

Pháp tính. Dharmatà (S). Nature of Dharma.

Pháp tính Phật. Dharmatà-Buddha (S).

Pháp trai nhật. Days of abstinence.

Pháp trí. Dharma-jnàna (S). Knowledge of the Dharma.

Pháp trường. Any place set aside for religious practices, or purposes. Dharma-preaching ground.

Pháp trần. A mental object.

Pháp trí. Dharma-wisdom, the understanding of the law, or of things.

Pháp trụ. Dharma-abode, ie. the omnipresent bhùtatathatà in all things.

Pháp uyển. The garden of Dharma, Buddhism.

Pháp vân. Dharmamegha (S). Buddhism as a fertilizing cloud.

Pháp vân địa. The tenth Bodhisattva-stage.

Pháp vị. (1) Dharma-state, the bhùtatathatà. (2) The grade or position of a monk.

Pháp vị. The taste or flavour of the dharma.

Pháp vô ngã. Dharmanairàtmya (S). Doctrine on the non-substantiality of things

Pháp vô ngã trí. Knowledge of non-substantiality of the Dharma.

Pháp vô ngại trí. Knowledge on the unimpediment of the Dharma.

Pháp vũ. The rain of Buddha-truth.

Pháp vương. Dharmaràja (S). King of the Law, Buddha.

Pháp vương tử. Kumàra (S). Son of the Dharma-king, a Bodhisattva.

Pháp xứ. Dharmàyatana (S). Mental objects.

Pháp y. Dharma garment, the robe.

Pháp yếu. The essentials of the Truth.

Phát. To shoot forth, send, issue; start, initiate; expound, prosper.

Phát bồ đề tâm. To open the bodhi-mind.

Phát giới. To issue to, or bestow the commandments on a disciple.

Phát lộ (lồ). To reveal, manifest, confess.

Phát nguyện. To take a vow; to take one's vow; to vow, resolve.

Phát quang. To send forth light, radiate.

Phát tâm. Mental initiation or initiative, resolve, make up the mind to; to start out for Bodhi, or perfect enlightenment; to show kindness of heart, give alms.

Phát ý. To resolve on, have a mind to.

Phạt chiết la. Vajra (S), Thunder. Diamond.

Phẩm. Varga (S). Chapter, section (of a book)

Phân biệt. Vibhàga, vikalpa (S). To distinguish, to discriminate, to discern, to differentiate, to reason.

Phân biệt Du già luận. Vibhàga-yogà-sàstra.

Phân biệt duyên. Vikalpapratyaya (S). Conditions of discrimination.

Phân biệt giới kinh. Dhàtuvibhanga-sutta (P)

Phân biệt khởi. Delusions arising from reasoning and teaching.

Phân biệt kinh. Sùtravibhanga (S).

Phân biệt Thánh đế kinh. Saccavibhangacitta-sutta (P). Also Đế phân biệt tâm kinh.

Phân biệt thuyết bộ. Vibhàjyavàda (S). Name of a sect.

Phân biệt thức. The discriminating perception.

Phân biệt trí. Viveka (S). Differentiating knowledge.

Phân đà lị. Pundarika (S). Lotus flower.

Phân tướng môn. The doctrine which differentiates the three vehicles from the one vehicle.

Phân thân. Parturition; a Buddha's power to reproduce himself ad infinitum and anywhere.

Phân vệ. Pindàpata (S). Food given as alms.

Phấn tảo. Sweepings, garbage.

Phấn tảo y. The monk's garment of cast-off rags.

Phẫn. Krodha (S). Anger.

Phẫn kết. The bond of anger.

Phẫn nộ. Anger, angry, fierce, over-awing; a term for the Phẫn nộ Minh vương the fierce mahàràja as opponents of evil and guardians of Buddhism.

Phẫn nộ câu. A form of Quán âm with a hook.

Phát bà đề. Purva-Videha (S). Đông thắng thần châu.

Phật. Buddha (S). Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Thờ Phật ăn oản: keep the shop and thy shop will keep thee. Đi với Phật mặc áo cà sa, đi với ma mặc áo giấy: who keeps company with a wolf will learn to howl. Thờ Phật: to worship the Buddha. Lễ Phật: to pay one's respect to the Buddha. Phỉ báng Phật: to speak sacrilegiously of the Buddha. Phật khẩu xà tâm: Buddhist tongue and viperish heart.

Phật Âm. Buddhaghosa (S). Name.

Phật ấn. Buddha-seal, the sign of assurance.

Phật bản hạnh tập kinh. Mahàvastu (S).

Phật bảo. Buddha-ratna (S) Buddha-jewel.

Phật cảnh. The (spiritual) region of Buddha. The Buddha's abode.

Phật chủng. The seed of Buddhahood.

Phật chủng tính. Buddhasamva (P). Those of the Buddha-clan, Buddhist.

Phật cúng. An offering to Buddha.

Phật cụ. Articles used on an altar in worship of Buddha.

Phật diệt. The Buddha's physical passing, Buddha's parinirvana.

Phật đà. Buddha (S)

Phật Đà Tăng ha. Buddhasimha (S). Name. Also Sư tử giác.

Phật đài. The Buddha's altar.

Phật đàn. Buddha-dàna (S). Buddha-giving contrasted with Màra giving.

Phật đản. Vesak (S), Vesàkha (P). The Buddha's birthday.

Phật đạo. The way of Buddha, leading to Buddhahood. Buddhism.

Phật đệ tử. Disciple of Buddha, Buddhist.

Phật địa. Buddha-bhùmi (S). The Buddha-stage.

Phật điền. Buddha-field.

Phật độ. Buddha-ksetra (S) The land or realm of a Buddha.

Phật đức. Buddha-virtue.

Phật đường. The Buddha hall.

Phật gia. The school or family of Buddhism.

Phật già da. Bodh Gàya (S).

Phật giới. The moral commandements of the Buddha; the laws of reality observed by all Buddhas; Buddhist rules.

Phật giới. The Buddha realm, the state of Buddhahood.

Phật giáo. Buddhàgama (S). Buddha's teaching; Buddhism.

Phật giáo hội. Buddhist congregation.

Phật hải. Buddha's ocean, the realm of Buddha boundless as the sea.

Phật hoan hỉ nhật. The Buddhist joy-day.

Phật học. Buddhist studies.

Phật hộ. Buddhapàlita (S). Name

Phật hội. Buddhist association.

Phật hống. Buddha's nàda, or roar, Buddha's preaching compared to a lion's roar, i.e. authoritative.

Phật kiến. The correct views, or doctrines, of the Buddha.

Phật kinh. Buddhist canonical literature.

Phật ký. Buddha's prediction, his foretelling of the future of his disciples

Phật lạp nhật. The Buddhist last day of the old year, i.e. of the summer retreat.

Phật mẫu. Buddhamàtr (S), Butsomo (J). 1- The mother of the Buddha, Mahà-Màyà; 2-His aunt who was his foster-mother. 3-The Dharma or Law which produces him. 4-The prajnà-pàramità, mother or begetter ođ all Buddhas

Phật mẫu chân tam muội. The samàdhi, meditation or trance by means of which the Buddhas, past, present, and future, become incarnate.

Phật môn. Buddha-gate, the religion of Buddha.

Phật ngũ tính. The five surnames of Buddha before he became enlightened: Gautama, a branch of Sàkya; Iksvàku, one of Buddha's ancestor; Sùryavamsa, of the sun race; Sàka; Sàkya.

Phật ngữ. The words or sayings of Buddha

Phật nguyện. The vow of Buddha to save all beeings.

Phật nguyệt. The Buddha-moon, Buddha being mirrored in the human heart like the moon in pure water.

Phật nhãn. The eye of Buddha, the enlightened one who sees all and is omniscient.

Phật nhân. Buddha-cause.

Phật nhật. The Buddha-sun; the day of Buddha.

Phật pháp. Buddha-Dharma (S). The Law or body of doctrine attributed to the Buddha; the Buddha's teachings; the Buddha's power.

Phật pháp tạng. Buddha thesaurus, the sùtras of the Buddha's preaching.

Phật, Pháp, Tăng. The three Jewels: the Buddha, the Buddha Law or the Dharma, and the Buddhist Monastic Order or the Sangha.

Phật quả. Buddha-phala (S). The Buddha-fruit, the state of Buddhahood.

Phật quang. Buddharansi (S) The light of Buddha, spiritual enlightenment; aura, halo, glory.

Phật quốc. Buddhaksetra (S). The country of the Buddha's birth, India. A country being transformed by a Buddha.

Phật sát. Buddha-ksetra (S). Buddha realm, land, country.

Phật sở hành tán kinh. Buddhacarita (S) Poem which recounted the life and work of the Buddha.

Phật sứ. Như Lai sứ. A messenger of the Tathàgata.

Phật sự. Buddha's affairs, the work of transforming all beings;

Phật tâm. The mind of Buddha, the spiritually enlightened heart; charity, love; the human faculty of enlightenment.

Phật tâm ấn. The seal of the Buddha heart, or mind.

Phật tâm tông. Chan Buddhism or Zen.

Phật thân. Buddhakàya (S). The body of the Buddha.

Phật thế. Buddha-age; especially the age when Buddha was on earth.

Phật thế tôn. Buddha, the world honoured.

Phật thiên. Buddha as Heaven; Buddha and the devas.

Phật thọ. Buddha's life, or age.

Phật thụ. Bodhidruma (S). The Bodhi-tree under which Sàkyamuni obtained enlightenment.

Phật thừa. The Buddha-vehicle.

Phật tích. Buddha relics; any trace of Buddha, e.g. the imprint of his foot in stone before he entered nirvàna.

Phật tính. Buddhatà (S). The Buddha-nature

Phật tính giới. The moral law which arises out of the Buddha-nature in all beings.

Phật tông. Buddhism; principles of the Buddha Law.

Phật tổ. The Buddha and other founders cults; Buddhist patriarchs.

Phật tri kiến. The penetrative power of Buddha's wisdom.

Phật trí. Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi (S). Buddha-wisdom.

Phật tuệ. Buddha-wisdom.

Phật tử. Son of Buddha, a bodhisattva; a believer in Buddhism; Buddhist.

Phật tự. Buddhist temple, pagoda.

Phật tự thuyết kinh. Udàna (S). Sùtra Buddha said without any invitation.

Phật tượng. Buddha's image; Buddha's statute.

Phật vô ngại tuệ. Unhindered, infinite Buddha-wisdom.

Phật vị. The state of Buddhahood.

Phật xá. A Buddhist temple.

Phật xá lợi. Buddha's sarira, relics left after Buddha's cremation.

Phệ đà. Vedas (S). Brahmanic canon. Also Vệ đà.

Phệ thế sử ca. Vaisesika CS). A non-buddhist sect. Also Thắng luận, Đa nguyên thực tại luận.

Phệ xá (chủng). Vaisya (S). A cast.

Phệ xá ly. Vaisali (S).

Phi. Not; un-; without, apart from; wrong.

Phi an lập. The unestablished, or undetermined; that which is beyond terminology.

Phi an lập chân như: the zbhùtatathatà, the absolute as it exist in itself.

Phi Bồ tát. Not Bodhisattvas, those who have not inclined their heart to Màhayàna.

Phi diệt. The Buddha's "extinction" or death, not considered as real.

Phi dụ. An imaginary and not factual metaphore, one of the eight forms of comparison bát dụ.

Phi đạo. Wrong way, heterodox views, or doctrines.

Phi hắc phi bạch nghiệp. Neither black nor white karma, karma which does not affect metempsychosis either for evil or good; negative or indifferent karma.

Phi học giả. Those who do not learn Buddha-truth.

Phi hữu. Abhàva (S). Non existent, not real.

Phi hữu phi không. Neither existing nor empty; neither material nor immaterial; the characterization of the bhùtatathatà (in the Duy thức luận), i.e. the ontological reality underlying all phenomena. In the light of this, though the phenomenal has no reality in itself phi hữu, the noumenal is not void phi không.

Phi hữu tưởng phi vô tưởng thiên. Naisvasamjnànasamjnàyatana (S) The heaven or place where there is neither thinking nor not thinking; it is beyond thinking; the fourth of tứ không thiên, four immaterial heavens, known also as the hữu đỉnh thiên.

Phi khí. A vessel unfit for Buddha or Buddhism, e.g. a woman body, which is unclean.

Phi nghiệp. Death by accident said not to be determined by previous karma.

Phi không. Asunyatà (S). Emptilessness

Phi nhân. Not-men, not of the human race, i.e. devas, nagas, raksas etc.

Phi pháp. Adharma (S). Misconduct, false doctrine.

Phi phi tưởng thiên. The heaven where there is neither thinking nor not-thinking.

Phi sắc. Aruùpa (S). Non-form, formless, immaterial.

Phi sắc phi tâm. Neither matter nor mind; neither phenomenal nor noumenal.

Phi sinh phi diệt. The doctrine that the Buddha was not really born and did not really die, for he is eternal.

Phi sở đoạn. Not to be cut off, i.e. active or passive nirvàna (discipline); one of the tam sở đoạn.

Phi sở phan duyên. Niràlambana (S)

Phi tam phi nhất. Neither three nor one; a Thiên Thai phrase, that the không giả trung, or noumenon, phenomenon, and madhya or mean, are three aspect of absolute truth, but are not merely three nor merely one

Phi tâm. Apart from mind, without mind, beyond mentation.

Phi tâm phi Phật. Apart from mind there is no Buddha.

Phi thiên. Not devas. i.e. asuras a tu la.

Phi thời. Untimely; not the proper or regulation time (for meals).

Phi thời thực. To eat out of hours, i.e. after noon.

Phi thường. Xem vô thường.

Phi tình. Non-sentient objects such as grass, wood, earth, stone.

Phi trạch diệt. Apratisamkhyànirodha (S). The extinction due to lack of a productive caus.

Phi tưởng phi phi tưởng. Beyond the condition of thinking or not-thinking, of active consciousness or unconsciousness.

Phi tưởng phi phi tưởng xứ định. Degree of meditation of this name leads to rebirth in the immaterial (arùpa) heavens. Phi tưởng thiên bát khổ. Eight forms of distress in this heaven, age, disease and death.

Phiền. Trouble, annoyance, perplexity.

Phiền não. Klesa (S). Distress, worry, trouble, affliction.

Phiền não băng. The ice of moral affliction.

Phiền não bệnh. The disease of moral affliction.

Phiền não chướng. Klesavarana (S). The barrier of temptation, passion, or defilement. Hindrance of impurity. Hindrance on spiritual progress.

Phiền não đạo. The way of temptation, or passion, in producing bad karma.

Phiền não độc. The impurity, or defiling nature of the passions.

Phiền não hà. The river of moral affliction.

Phiền não hải. The ocean of moral affliction.

Phiền não lâm. The forest of moral affliction.

Phiền não ma. The màra of the passions who troubles mind and body.

Phiền não nê. The soil or mud of moral affliction.

Phiền não ngại. The obstruction of temptation, or defilement, to entrance into nirvàna peace by perturbing the mind.

Phiền não nghiệp khổ. The suffering arising out of the working of the passions, which produce good or evil karma.

Phiền não nhân. Cause of the affiction.

Phiền não tặc. Temptation, or passion, as a thief injuring the spiritual nature.

Phiền não tập. The habit or influence of the passions after they have been cut off.

Phiền não trận. The army of temptations, tempters, or allurements.

Phiền não trọc (trược). Stain.

Phiền não tức bồ đề. The passions, or moral afflictions, are bodhi.

Phong. Vàyu (S). Wind, air; rumour, repute; custom; temper, lust.

Phong đại. Vàyo-dhàtu (P). Wind or air as one of the four elements.

Phong đao. The wind knife, i.e. the approach of death and its agonies.

Phong luân. The wheel, or circle, of wind below the circle of water and metal on which the earth rests

Phong tai. The calamity of destruction by wind.

Phong tam muội. A samàdhi in which the whole body is conceived of as scattered

Phong trung đăng. "As a lamp in the wind", such is the evanescence of the world and men.

Phóng. To let go, release, send out; put, place.

Phóng dật. Loose, unrestrained.

Phóng đăng. Lighting strings of lantern on the fifteenth of the first moon.

Phóng quang tam muội. A samàdhi in which all kinds and colours oflight are emitted.

Phóng quang thụy. The auspicious ray emitted from between the eyebrows of the Buddha before pronouncing the Lotus sùtra.

Phóng sinh. To release living creatures as a work of merit.

Phổ. Visva (S). Universal, all; pervasive, ubiquitous.

Phổ đà. Potala (S)

Phổ đẳng. Everywhere alike, universal equality, all equally.

Phổ độ. Universally to ferry across. Phổ độ chúng sinh: to deliver, or save, all beings.

Phổ Hiền. Samantabhadra (S), Fouguen (J)

Phổ hiện. Universal manifestation, especially the manifestation of a Buddha or Bodhisattva in any shape at will.

Phổ hóa. Universal change, or transformation.

Phổ minh. Samantaprabhàsa (S). Pervading light.

Phổ môn. Samanta mukuha (S). Universal door, the opening into all things, or universality; the universe in anything; the unlimited doors open to a Buddha, or Bodhisattva, and the forms in which he can reveal himself. Phổ môn thị hiện.

Phổ nhãn. Universal eye.

Phổ pháp. Samantadharma (S). Universal dharmas, or things; all things.

Phổ quang. Universal light, to shine everywhere.

Phổ quang tam muội. Universal light samàdhi.

Phổ thuyết. Universal preaching.

Phổ tri. Omniscience. Phổ tri giả: the Omniscient, i.e. Buddha.

Phú lan na Ca diếp. Pùrana Kàsyapa (S).

Phú lâu na. Pùrna (S).

Phú na xa. Punyanyasa (S).

Phù chú. Amulets, charms, spells, incantations.

Phù. Floating, drifting, unsettled.

Phù đồ. Stùpa (S) Pagoda, shrine. Also Buddha.

Phù nang. A floating bag, a swimming float, a lifebuoy.

Phù tưởng. Passing thoughts, unreal fancies.

Phù trần. Floating dust.

Phù trần căn. Indriya (S). The organs of sensation, eye, ear etc. in contrast with the function or faculty of sensation thắng nghĩa căn.

Phù vân. A drifting cloud, e.g. this life, the body etc.

Phụ tùy. Parivàra (S). Appendix of Vinaya.

Phúc. Punya (S). Blessing, happiness, felicity, good fortune, chance. Có phúc, fortunate, blessed. Làm phúc, to do good, to engage in good works. Con hơn cha là nhà có phúc, blessed is the father whose son outshines him. Cầu phúc, to pray for good chance, for divine blessings.

Phúc ấm. The beneficent influence of one's ancestors'virtues.

Phúc báo. A blessed reward, e.g. to be reborn as a man or a deva.

Phúc cái. The cover, or canopy, of blessing.

Phúc địa. Blessed land; a lucky grave spot; elysium.

Phúc điền. The field of blessedness, i.e. any sphere of kindnes, charity, or virtue; there are categories of 2,3,4, and 8, e.g. that of study and that of charity; parents, teachers etc; the field of poverty as a monk etc,.

Phúc điền y. The garment of the field of blessing, the monk's robe.

Phúc đình. A court, or hall of blessedness, a monastery.

Phúc đức. Blessed virtues, all good deeds; the blessing arising from good deeds. Good fortune and virtue.

Phúc đức môn. The gates of blessedness and virtue, the first five of the six paramitas.

Phúc đức tư lương. The nutriment of blessedness, i.e. deeds of charity.

Phúc đức thân. The Buddhakàya, or body ođ Buddha, in the enjoyment of the highest samàdhi bliss.

Phúc đức trang nghiêm. The adornment of blessedness and virtue, i.e. of good deeds.

Phúc hạnh. The life or conduct which results in blessing, e.g, being reborn as a man or a deva.

Phúc khánh. Blessedness and felicity, blessed felicity; to congratulate on good fortune.

Phúc lộc. Happiness and wealth. Phúc lộc thọ. happiness, wealth and longevity.

Phúc lợi. Happiness and benefit.

Phúc nghiệp. The karma of blessedness, a happy karma.

Phúc nhân. That which causes or gives rise to blessing.i.e. all good deeds.

Phúc quả. The reward of blessedness.

Phúc quán. Blessedness and insight, similar to phúc tuệ, phúc trí.

Phúc sinh. Born of or to happiness.

Phúc sinh thiên. Punyaprasavàs (S). The tenth brahmaloka, the first region of the fourth dhyàna.

Phúc trí. Xem phúc quán.

Phúc túc. The feet of blessedness one consisting the first five pàramitàs, the other being the sixth pàramità, i.e. wisdom; happiness replete.

Phúc tuệ (Phước huệ). Blessedness and wisdom, the two virtues which adorn.

Phúc tướng pháp thân. The Buddha-dharmakàya as blessedness, in contrast with it as wisdom.

Phúc tường. Propicious, auspicious. Triệu phúc tường, good omen.

Phúng tụng. Gàthà (S)

Phược (Phọc). Bandha (S). Tie, attachment, bind, bond; another name for klesa-afflictions, the passions, etc.

Phướn. Dhvaja, Patàkà, Ketu (S). Flag, banner. Also tràng phan, cờ, phan.

Phương. Square; place; correct; a means, plan, prescription; then, now, just.

Phương đẳng. Vaipulya (S). Phương is interpreted as referring to the doctrine, đẳng as equal or universal, i.e. everywhere equally. Xem phương quảng.

Phương đẳng tam muội. One of Thiên Thai's methods of inducing samàdhi, partly by walking, partly by sitting, based on Đại phương đẳng đà la ni kinh.

Phương đẳng thời. The third of the five periods of Thiên Thai ngũ thời giáo.

Phương điển. A term covering the whole Mahàyàna-sutràs, idem phương đẳng kinh điển.

Phương khẩu thực. Opportunism in obtaining a living, i.e. a monk who makes a living by fawning or by bullying, one of the tứ tà mệnh four illicit ways of livelihood.

Phương ngoại. Out of the world; the life of a monk.

Phương phục. A monk's robe.

Phương quảng. Vaipulya (S). Expansion, enlargement, broad, spacious. Phương is intp. by phương chính correct in doctrine and quảng by quảng bác broad or wide; broad school, wider teaching, in contrast with the narrow school or Hìnayàna. Mahàyàna-sùtras.

Phương quảng đạo nhân. Heretical followers of Mahàyàna, who hold a false doctrine of Không the Void, teaching it as total non-existence, or nihilism.

Phương quảng đại trang nghiêm kinh. Lalitàvistara-sùtra (S).

Phương tiện. Upàya (S). A mode of approach, an expedient, stratagem, device; phương is interpreted as phương pháp method, mode, plan and tiện as tiện dụng convenient for use. Way, means.

Phương tiện ba la mật. Upàya-pàramità (S) The seventh pàramità.

Phương tiện giả môn. Expedient gates or ways of using the seeming for the real.

Phương tiện hiện Niết bàn. Though the Buddha is eternal, he showed himself as temporarily extinct, as necesseray to arouse a longing for Buddha.

Phương tiện hữu dư độ. One of the Thiên Thai tứ độ four lands, which is temporary, as its occupants still have remains to be purged away.

Phương tiện môn. The gates of upàya. i.e. convenient or expedient gates leading into Truth.

Phương tiện sát sinh. The right of great Bodhisattvas, knowing every one's karma, to kill without sinning, e.g. in order to prevent a person from commiting sin involving unintermitted suffering, or to aid him in reaching one of the higher reincarnation.

Phương tiện thiện xảo. Upàyakusala (S). Skillful mean. Clever in resources.

Phương tiện trí. Upàyajnàna (S). The wisdom, or knowledge of using skilful means (for saving others).

Phương trượng. An abbot, tự chủ head of a monastery; the term is said to arise from the ten-foot cubic dwelling in which Duy Ma Cật Vimalakirti lived.

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